We’ve been wrapping up articles for each faction into faction guides that cover a specific faction in greater detail.

We’re constantly working to update the tactics here for each of the 40k factions. If you’re looking for more detailed insight and guides for playing each faction competitively, check out our Start Competingpage. Interested in how specific factions have changed and how they play in 9th edition? We are too, and we’re writing guides to each faction as new rules and FAQs are released.

The Munitorum Field Manual Points updateĪdditionally, we’ve seen several updates to the rules via FAQs and balance updates.If you’re looking for a rundown of all those FAQs and changes, here’s where you can find those: If you’re acquainted with the core rules of 9th and ready to move on to the more intermediate rules knowledge, here’s what comes next – 9th edition has seen a few changes to its points values and some major FAQs to really tighten up the rules. 9th Edition Rules Review – if you’ve played 8th edition but are new to 9th and want to know what changed and why, this review is the one you’re looking for.Getting Started with Indomitus or the Command Edition– If you’re totally new to the game but have the Command Edition (or Indomitus), here’s a guide to playing your first game.Getting Started with Warhammer 40k – if you’ve got some models already and are looking to finally give the game a try, start here.If you’re a veteran of 8th edition and haven’t played a game of 9th yet due to the pandemic, then we’ve got everything you need to catch up on everything you missed.Ĥ0k is a complicated game, and if you’re interested in where to start or looking for what changed from the prior edition, this is where you’ll find what you’re looking for. Welcome to Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition! Whether you’re brand new to the game or a veteran of hundreds of miniature battles, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know about playing the game and improving.